Monday, March 31, 2014

We're English 10 Nerds and Loving It: March 31

Focus: What are the components of the society in Fahrenheit 451?

1. Warming up: Creating a recipe for the society of Fahrenheit 451; click HERE for directions.

2. Cleverly unraveling the poem you're about to meet in F451: "Dover Beach"

a. Tell me the story of each stanza. In other words, put each stanza into your own words.

b. Tell me everything you know about the poem's speaker.

c. Find an important metaphor and explain it to me carefully (what is being compared to what and why?).

d. Find three images, each appealing to a different sense, and explain what they contribute to the poem.

e. Describe what you think is the poem's tone. Defend your response with two details from the poem.

f. Identify what you see as an important shift in the poem, and explain the nature of the shift.

g. Find one important allusion in the poem. Look up that allusion, and explain why the poem might make this particular allusion. In other words, what does it contribute to the poem.

h. Explain one of the poem's motifs, supporting your response with two details from the poem.

i. Explore two sound devices in this poem and explain what larger idea they help reveal (ex: alliteration, assonance, rhyme, euphony, cacophony, etc.).

j. What do you think its the poem's theme? In other words, what lesson is it trying to teach us?

k. Of all the poems in the entire world, why might Bradbury include this one in F451? (You will be coming across it in tonight's reading). In other words, how does this theme of this poem overlap with the ideas in F451?

l. Ask one good level 3 question that pertains to this poem.

(P.S. This is a contest.  The best poetry explication gets a prize.)

3. If time allows, reading Fahrenheit 451

1. Prepare for tomorrow's fishbowl discussion by reading pages 80-102; fill out one side of your new observation chart.

2. Work on your book talk.


  1. On page 82 it says "We have everything we need to be happy, but we aren't happy. Somethings missing." What are they missing? I believe it's the power of free will. There society has been corrupted with a mind that is not there own. They can have everything, but it will never be good enough. That's why you get, so many suicide attempts, because there's that feeling of emptiness. There is nothing to cure this, and as Montag reads, and reads, he will never be fulfilled. The more he reads the more he realizes why this society is so messed up.

  2. On page 82 it says "We have everything we need to be happy, but we aren't happy. Somethings missing." What are they missing? I believe it's the power of free will. There society has been corrupted with a mind that is not there own. They can have everything, but it will never be good enough. That's why you get, so many suicide attempts, because there's that feeling of emptiness. There is nothing to cure this, and as Montag reads, and reads, he will never be fulfilled. The more he reads the more he realizes why this society is so messed up.
