Tuesday, February 25, 2014

We're English 10 Nerds and Loving It: February 25, 2014

Focus: How can we compose our thoughts about love in A Midsummer Night's Dream?

1. Warming up: Sharing some of your smart observations about Puck's speech:




From Adam's homework last night:
The scene showed that Neil seemed to be talking more to his father during Puck’s final speech than to the audience, that the words about mending where more about them than just lines. Neil feels that if they’re both willing to put forth the effort they can both make amends for their differences and end up living together better because of it. Whereas Neil’s father and Neil seem to be at different ends of the spectrum on what he should do, he tries to imply in the lines that if they’re both willing to make a compromise, they can both get what they want.

From Emma's homework:
This speech in the movie is transformed as Neil is saying to his dad I’m sorry about what I did. You can tell he can see the disapproval on his father’s face, which adds emotion to the monologue. The original speech translates very well into what Neil is feeling, as he is saying don’t be mad at me, please forgive me. In a way Neil was poking fun at his dad just like the faeries in the play but he does it instead by disobeying him.

2. Finishing the film version of A Midsummer Night's Dream

As you watch, please type a few notes on the following: What about this play might be offensive?

3. Perusing the overview of the Midsummer essay (it's actually just one paragraph, not a giant essay) and forming your thesis statements and opening sentences

Please start a new document called "____________ (your last name) Midsummer Essay."
Example: Nowlan Midsummer Essay

Place the document inside your Midsummer folder to make sure it's shared with me before you leave class today.

1. Finish #1 and #2 on the outline if you did not do so in class (thesis and opening sentence).

2. Complete all parts of #3 (your first example) before class tomorrow.

3. Start looking over SAT List 15 vocabulary.

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