Tuesday, February 18, 2014

We're English 10 Nerds and Loving It: February 18, 2014

Focus: What symbolism does Act 3 of Midsummer offer, and how does this help us understand the play as a whole?

If you did not turn in your signed grades last Friday, please do so today.

1. Warming up: Enjoying your memoir independent reading books for about 20 minutes and setting yourself a reading schedule

2. Recapping last week: With your acting company put the Midsummer Act 3 events in order

(Periods 1 and 3: Finish the final performances)

3. Viewing the film version of Act 3 with a symbolic focus:

What happens to the four lovers' clothes and appearance in Act 3? What might this symbolize?

1. For tomorrow: Read the No Fear Shakespeare version of Act 4, scene 1 (or just the original Shakespearean if you'd like a challenge); then, in your "Thou Doest Thine Homework" document, analyze THREE possible symbols in Midsummer by doing the following for each symbol:
a. Identify what the symbol is
b. Offer thoughts on what abstract idea it might represent
c. Copy one quotation from the play (doesn't have to be just Act 4) that supports your thoughts.

Here's an example:
Symbol #1: The woods
a. The place where the lovers escape to, the tradesmen rehearse, and the fairies live
b. The woods symbolize freedom from the laws but also uncontrollable chaos.
c. ..."the winds, piping to us in vain, / As in revenge have sucked up from the sea / Contagious fogs..." (2.1.91-93)

If you're having a hard time finding symbols, here are a few possibilities: the magical flower, the singing, the donkey head, the play the tradesmen are rehearsing (Pyramus and Thisbe), Titania's bower, the changeling boy...and anything else you see that could serve as a symbol.

2. Remember that this Friday is the deadline for make-up work, revisions, late work, etc.

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