Friday, February 14, 2014

We're English 10 Nerds and Loving It: February 14, 2014

Focus: How can we learn SAT vocabulary, wrap up Act 3 of Midsummer, and ready ourselves for Valentines Day in just 58 minutes?

1. Warming up: Reviewing the SAT List 13 vocabulary words with love

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I would...

I love you not only for what you are, but for...

Other men said they have seen angels, but I...

When the world seems more beautiful, 

You are the sun in my day, the wind in my...

If I know what love is, it's because...

Come live in my heart, and pay...

If the only place where I could see you was in my dreams, I'd...

It's a rainy day when...

I love two things, you and the...

Love is friendship set on fire and you are...

I discovered true happiness the day you...

2. Taking the SAT List 13 vocabulary quiz

3. Reading your memoir independent reading books (today's memoir time will be shortened)

4. Finishing our Act 3 performances

1. Spend at least 30 minutes with your memoir and bring it to class on Tuesday.

2. For Wednesday: Read the No Fear Shakespeare version of Act 4, scene 1 (or just the original Shakespearean if you'd like a challenge); then, in your "Thou Doest Thine Homework" document, analyze THREE possible symbols in Midsummer by doing the following for each symbol:
a. Identify what the symbol is
b. Offer thoughts on what abstract idea it might represent
c. Copy one quotation from the play (doesn't have to be just Act 4) that supports your thoughts.

Here's an example:
Symbol #1: The woods
a. The place where the lovers escape to, the tradesmen rehearse, and the fairies live
b. The woods symbolize freedom from the laws but also uncontrollable chaos.
c. ..."the winds, piping to us in vain, / As in revenge have sucked up from the sea / Contagious fogs..." (2.1.91-93)

If you're having a hard time finding symbols, here are a few possibilities: the magical flower, the singing, the donkey head, the play the tradesmen are rehearsing (Pyramus and Thisbe), Titania's bower, the changeling boy...and anything else you see that could serve as a symbol.

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