Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December 10, 2013: What's Happening in English 10?

Focus: How are we immersed in a culture of violence, and how can we counteract it?

If I still need to check off your late annotations for A Long Way Gone, please have them out on your desk for the duration of class today.

If you missed Friday's vocabulary test, please make it up during an off hour or after school by the end of the on Wednesday.  Give yourself 30-45 minutes to take the test.

1. Warm-up: Revisiting a difficult timeline with a slightly different focus: How did this moment change things for our culture?  How did it change the way people look at each other? How did it change the way we act?

2. Working on the research aspect of our projects (see green packet)

Please keep a list of sources consulted as you will eventually need a Works Cited page.

Decide what you need to finish tonight in order to keep yourself on a good schedule for finishing your project by Monday, December 16.

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