- Review class policies (stay in seat until bell rings, put computers away properly, no talking when teacher or another student is talking, no bullying, no drinks in classroom, no cell phones or music during class)
- Discuss yesterday's blog: What went well? What didn't? Mrs. M's 10 minutes about Chapters 19-20.
- Review Lesson 5 Words (See below*)
- Index Cards check
Makeup--If you were absent or didn't participate in yesterday's outer circle:
- You must make up the blog by posting an extended response on that blog that includes at least one quotation from the assigned chapters. This also applies if you took a day to read instead of participating on the outer circle. Let Mrs. Makovsky know if you post an extended response so it can be graded.
*Vocabulary Lesson 5 Review: It's a BOY!!!!!
Write something for Henry Leclaire, Mrs. Leclaire’s brand new baby boy. Use the 10 vocabulary words from Lesson 5, and show Henry that you understand each word's meaning.
To make Henry happy, use bright colors, bold pictures, and clear sentences.
Suggestions (Choose one or come up with your own):
- Tell a story that Henry might enjoy. You could make him the hero. Or you could make Mrs.Leclaire the hero. Base your story on a real memory of Mrs. LeClaire, or jump into a world of fantasy. Make the story appealing to a small child. Illustrate it!
- Write a letter that welcomes Henry to the world. Add colorful designs or pictures to brighten the page.
- Create a comic strip that teaches Henry a lesson or makes him smile.
- Write a nursery rhyme or poem that tells Henry how wonderful life is or how special his mother is. (Or maybe Henry would prefer a rap)
- Create a top-ten list of reasons that Henry is lucky to have Mrs. Leclaire as his mother. Or a top-ten list of reasons why it's good to be a boy.
Mrs. Makovsky will give you credit for these writing and will take them to Henry next week.
Have fun!
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